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Team Responsibilities


  1. CMHA, BC Hockey, and Hockey Canada have a Zero Tolerance Policy with regards to controlled substances, tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.  That policy extends to all team officials while participating in team activities.
  2. Each team MUST have a qualified Hockey Canada Safety Person, ('HCSP') in place prior to playing a game.  Having an HCSP is not optional and there are NO exceptions.
  3. Failure to have a qualified HCSP by December 1st may result in your team being ineligible to play games or practice.  PCAHA will exclude your team from playoffs, and possibly fine your team.
  4. You are not allowed to play a game without at least one HCSP in attendance.  If your HCSP is not going to be in attendance, your Manager must ensure that an HCSP from another team is available to cover those duties.
  5. The HCSP is a recognized team official and is to be treated as such.  They are not required to have coaching certification.  Choose someone who can be at as many practices and games as possible.  It is strongly suggested the HCSP not be a coach. 
  6. ALL team officials and volunteers over the age of 16 who have access to the bench, players or the dressing room must:
  1. complete a Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector check no later than October 1st
  2. be certified in Respect in Sport.
  1. Exceptions to rule 5 are volunteers awaiting their clinic dates and instructors hired by CMHA with written approval from their Division Coordinator or CMHA Risk Manager.  
  2. On-ice helpers rostered in HCR are not Team Officials and may not participate in games in any capacity.
  3. Using parents and/or siblings to open the gate or “fill in” somewhere is NOT allowed.
  4.  Association-registered athletes in U15 and under and currently insured with CMHA, may not help out on the bench, but they may help out on the ice during practices on an occasional basis. They must wear full gear. Athletes U18 and above can help in practice with Helmet, Gloves, Skates, and stick. All requests for these arrangements must be approved by the Risk Manager.
  5. During games, only rostered officials may be on the bench.
  6. Coaches and assistants must have their appropriate coaching level completed by December 31st.
  7. Respect in Sport and the Hockey Canada Safety Person courses are now offered on-line through Hockey Canada University.
  8. All coaches participating on-ice with their athletes are now required to wear a CSA approved helmet. Failure to wear a helmet by a coach at practice will result in the revoking of BC Hockey’s sanction of the practice. Unsanctioned activities are not covered by the Association’s insurance policy. This policy also applies to contracted instructors that are using our ice. If there is anyone on the ice that is not wearing a helmet, the sanctioning will be void.
  9. Only CSA approved stickers or tape should be placed on helmets as they may otherwise void the manufacturer’s warranty.
  10. Before signing any contracts for facility rental, read the Safety / Risk Management Manual (found on the BC Hockey website), Section 2.03, Facility Use Agreements – “Arena Contracts and Contract Liability.”  There are often items in these contracts that you do not have the authority to sign on behalf of the association, and failure to have it approved could result in your being held personally liable in the event of an accident.