Players Born Outside of Canada or Transferring in From Another Country
There is a lot of information here, please read it carefully.
There are 3 options for players born outside of Canada so please choose the correct one for your situation.
We understand that beginning a new sport can be a bit overwhelming so please feel free to email our Registrar at registrar@coqmha.org with any questions at all.
We look forward to meeting you in person at the rink!
****All new player registration will be subject to space availability and space cannot be confirmed until documentation is received and approval received by BC Hockey/Hockey Canada. This process may take several weeks or up to 2 months so please check the requirements carefully and submit all documents asap****
You must send in documents using the link below. Emails applications will not be accepted. Paper work accepted after June 1, 2024
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of Study Visa
- Proof of school registration
- Proof of medical coverage
- Letter from Parent/Guardian requesting permission for their child to play hockey
- Proof of residence of homestay parent(s) – 2 pieces
You must send in documents using the link below. Emails applications will not be accepted. Paper work accepted after June 1, 2024
- Copy of Birth Certificate
- Copy of Passport
- Copy of parents Work Visa
- Copy of players Visa
- Proof of medical coverage
- Proof of residence – 2 pieces
You must send in documents using the link below. Emails applications will not be accepted. Paper work accepted after June 1, 2024
- Birth Certificate
- Proof of residence – 2 pieces
- Passport
- Proof of Primary Medical coverage (BC Services Card)
- Letter of Release from previous hockey team (if player played previously in another country)
- Proof of Status in Canada (Copy of one of the items below)
a) Canadian Citizenship Card or copy of confirmation of application of Citizenship(Including file #)
b) Canadian Passport
c) Permanent Residents Card or copy of confirmation of application of permanent residency (including file #)
TWO PIECES OF PROOF OF RESIDENCY in Coquitlam are required for all player registrations at first skate checkin even if you have previously provided it to the Registrar: Accepted are property tax notice, Hydro/Gas,/Cable bill, Drivers license with insurance or lease/rental agreement. Registration will be rejected unless photocopies of 2 pieces of proof of residency are provided. Please note that all residency documents will be checked again prior to your child's first skate/evaluation even if you have provided it at registration. If it is not provided, your child will not be allowed on the ice and your registration could be revoked. No exceptions. The residency requirement is mandated by Hockey Canada & BC Hockey & governed by PCAHA & CMHA. All proofs must be in the player's parent name.
Respect in Sport for Parents required for all U7 through U9 and new to CMHA
One parent in each family is required to take this one hour online version of Respect in Sport. The cost is $12.00. If you have previously taken Respect in Sport - this requirement is waived.
Please see link under Safety & Respect tab above.
PRESEASON CAMPS - Please see Preseason Camps under Development tab above.
FEES & PAYMENTS - Please see the Fees & Payments under Registration tab above.
Jersey Deposits - will be collected by your Team Managers at the beginning of the season. Please post date them to next year - $400.00 dated March 31 for "C" division and $400.00 dated April 15 for "A" division. At the end of the season once the jerseys are returned, the cheques will be shredded.
Volunteer Deposit - All families in CMHA will be required to submit a deposit cheque to their Team Manager (with jersey deposit) to ensure mandatory volunteering hours are fulfilled. Families must use this website to register their chosen tasks. Please see the Volunteering page for more information and email the CMHA Volunteer Director with any questions.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE - Please see the Financial Assistance tab under Registration
CMHA holds the position that NO child should be unable to play due financial restraints and no family should suffer financial hardship in order for their child to play. CMHA offers a numbers of ways to help - please see the Financial Assistance under Registration tab
REFUNDS - Please see Cancellation & Refund under Registration
Please note that tax receipts are emailed at time of posting registration payment.
NEXT SEASON DATES - Please see Important Dates tab under Registration
Registration Contact Email: registrar@coqmha.org

Coquitlam Minor Hockey is very grateful for the assistance of their community sponsors.
Together we make the difference!
Please contact our Sponsorship Director for information and benefits of sponsorship.