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2024-2025 Season Winter Development

January 6 - March 2, 2025


Please note that specific Development Programs may be cancelled if registration is low and replaced with programs that are higher in demand.  Program details are subject to change and will be noted if changes have been made.

If you have any program questions, kindly contact our Development Coordinator at development@coqmha.org

If you have any registration questions, kindly contact our Registrar at registrar@coqmha.org

If a camp you're interested in is full, please email registrar@coqmha.org to get onto a waitlist.

Please see this page for the refund policy:  https://coquitlamminorhockey.org/cancellation-and-refunds/




U7 Major & Minor Fundamentals - (2 Sessions)  Mini C’s are welcome!

Session 1 - Mondays, 3:45pm-4:45pm, Planet Ice 1

Session 2 – Mondays, 3:45pm– 4:45pm, Planet Ice 3 

7 Ice times per session


Session 1 - Jason Mann

Session 2 - Scott Lynch

Camp Overview:

Instructors will focus on proper skating techniques and basic skill development. Players

will be split into smaller groups and rotate through stations to ensure maximum repetition

and correction. These sessions are designed to be fun and interactive to build the basic

skills necessary to play the game. If a beginner has fun, develops basic skills and builds

confidence, there’s a better chance they will enjoy themselves.


$245 per player




Junior C’s U9 Major & Minor (2 sessions)

Session 1 - Fridays, 6:45am-7:45am, Poirier Ar2

Session 2 – Saturdays, 3:00pm– 4:00pm, Planet Ice 1

**CANCELLED** Session 3 - Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45pm, Planet Ice 3

7 Ice times per session (No ice on Feb. 14 + Feb.15)


Session 1 - TBA

Session 2 - Jason Mann

Session 3 - TBA

Camp Overview:

These sessions are designed for players with a passion for the game and who are dedicated

towards developing their skills to compete for positions in Spring Hockey and the U11 Rep

level next season. Focus will be on building best skating techniques and basic skill

development. Included will be instruction on transitioning into full ice play through

controlled scrimmages. Players will be encouraged to play all positions to see which they

enjoy playing the most.


$245 per player and free for goalies





Session 1 - Wednesdays, 3:45pm-4:45pm, Planet Ice 3

**Added** Session 2 - Tuesdays, 4:00-5:00pm, Planet Ice 2

8 Ice times


Session 1 - Jake Wensley

Session 2 - TBA

Camp Overview:

Individual skills Development for Athletes who are driven and willing to put in the effort

required to achieve their goals! This high-level development program is designed for

players with a passion for the game and who are dedicated towards developing their skills

to complete at the highest levels possible. Focus will be on Power Skating and drills to

enhance game like situational play with focus on Skating, Puck Handling, Shooting,

Passing, Defensive and Offensive Zone Escapes to create breakout and scoring



$280 per player and free for goalies

Players signing up for rep camps need to be at a level where their skill set meets current rep level players in that division so drills can be executed efficiently.   If it is determined by the instructors that an athlete's skills are not at that level they may be placed in another session. Thank you for understanding.




U11C (2 sessions)

Session 1 - Wednesdays, 6:45am-7:45am, Poirier Ar2

Session 2 - Thursdays, 6:45am-7:45am, Poirier Ar1

8 Ice times


Session 1 - TBA

Session 2 - TBA

Camp Overview:

This camp if for Athletes who wish to get extra ice and are driven and willing to work hard to

improve their skills to compete for positions at the next level. Focus will be on in season

development to enhance game like situational play with focus on Skating, Puck Handling,

Shooting, Passing, Defensive and Offensive Escapes with speed to create separation from

opponents. Groups will be split up into Forward and Defense


Session 1 - $280 per player and free for goalies

Session 2 - $245 per player and free for goalies




U13 Rep Checking Skills Camp

Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45, Poirier Ar3

8 Ice times


Todd McKave

Camp Overview:

This camp is designed for athletes moving to U15 and wish to tryout for Rep and Spring

hockey. Focus will be on body contact techniques to show players how to correctly give

and to receive hits and how to protect themselves while doing so. Coaches will also work

on angling drills to show best techniques on how to take away time and space to pressure

opponents into making mistakes and creating turnovers that result in scoring



$280 per player and free for goalies

Players signing up for rep camps need to be at a level where their skill set meets current rep level players in that division so drills can be executed efficiently.   If it is determined by the instructors that an athlete's skills are not at that level they may be placed in another session. Thank you for understanding.




U13 Rep

Fridays, 3:45pm-4:45pm, Planet Ice 1

7 Ice times (No Ice Feb 14th)



Camp Overview:

Individual skills Development for Athletes who are driven and willing to put in the effort

required to achieve their goals and compete for positions at the next level! Checking and

angling will be introduced. This camp is generally for 1st year U13 players

This development program is designed for current Rep and aspiring rep players with a

passion for the game and who are dedicated towards developing their skills to complete at

the highest levels possible. Focus will be on in season development to enhance game like

situational play with focus on Skating, Puck Handling, Shooting, Passing Defensive and

offensive Zone Escapes. Groups will be split up into Forward and Defense ideally 6-8 Defenseman and 9-12 Forwards


$245 per player and free for goalies

Players signing up for rep camps need to be at a level where their skill set meets current rep level players in that division so drills can be executed efficiently.   If it is determined by the instructors that an athlete's skills are not at that level they may be placed in another session. Thank you for understanding.





(Revised) Fridays, 3:45pm–4:40pm, Planet Ice 1 (Changed from PI3)

7 Ice times



Camp Overview:

These camps are for Athletes who wish to get extra ice and are driven and willing to work

hard to improve their skills. Focus will be on in season development to enhance game like

situational play with focus on Skating, Puck Handling, Shooting, Passing, Defensive and

Offensive Escapes with speed to create separation from opponents. Groups will be split up

into Forward and Defense


$245 per player and free for goalies




U15 Rep

**CANCELLED due to low registration** Thursdays, 3:45pm-4:45pm Planet Ice 3

7 Ice times (No Ice Feb 13th)


Kaivo Hockey Interactive Training System

Camp Overview:

“With our training aids, players read and react based on different movements, with sole

purpose of increasing the relationship between player skill development and in game

usage of these skills. We have developed an elite level interactive training system used by

numerous NHL, AHL, NCAA Div 1, and WHL players including the likes of Alexander Kerfoot

(Utah HC) Kent Johnson (Columbus Blue Jackets) Zach Benson (BuƯalo Sabres) Dante

Heinen and Noah Juulsen (Vancouver Canucks) and many more.”

Kaivo Hockey,


$315 per player and free for goalies

Players signing up for rep camps need to be at a level where their skill set meets current rep level players in that division so drills can be executed efficiently.   If it is determined by the instructors that an athlete's skills are not at that level they may be placed in another session. Thank you for understanding.




U15C (2 sessions)

**CANCELLED due to low registration** Session 1 - Tuesdays, 4:00pm–5:00pm, Planet Ice 2

**CANCELLED due to low registration** Session 2 – Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45pm, Planet Ice 3

8 Ice times



Camp Overview:

This camp if for Athletes who wish to get extra ice and are driven and willing to work hard to

improve their skills to compete for positions at the next level. Focus will be on in season

development to enhance game like situational play with focus on Puck Handling, Shooting,

Passing, Defensive and Offensive Escapes with speed to create separation from

opponents. We will work edgework to help players be strong on pucks. We will use battle

drills to practice puck protection and improve body position and body positioning to own

puck lanes. Groups will be split up into Forward and Defense.

Please note - There will be a checking component to these Camps.


$280 per player and free for goalies