welcome to the U18 C Division
Welcome to the 2024-2025 U18 C Hockey Season!
My name is Michelle Valente and I will be the Division Coordinator for this season. Information pertaining to evaluations will be posted soon. As we will be running a double blind draft, no players names will be posted. You will receive an email from me directly letting you know what group your player is in. The schedule will be posted to the website.
I understand that some players will have special requests. Please note that while we will take these requests into consideration, we cannot guarantee that they will be accommodated. Our primary goal is to create balanced and competitive teams, so each player will find success throughout the season.
Thank you for your time and understanding. Looking forward to seeing you all at the rink soon!
Team Clothing
If you are interested in purchasing Coquitlam MHA branded uniform and clothing, please check out the online store at the Hockey Shop
Equipment Checks
Prior to being allowed on the ice, your child must pass the equipment safety check that will take place 15 minutes before your first ice time.
Parent Information
Hockey Canada has changed so please follow below to access your account.
Contact The Coach
Players from prior years - Hockey ID # here or on any old roster they may from prior years:
If you are new, they need to set up a Hockey Canada account here:
U18 – Coach Mentor Program
We are pleased to announce that the U18 – Coach Mentor Program will be running again this year. Players will be able to earn volunteer hours as well as payment for on ice help during team practices and association development. The first step to join the program is to attend an orientation meeting (TBA) The Development Coordinator will be talking to the players about how the program works as well as expectations. While getting volunteer experience, as well as some compensation for their time, the main goal of this program is to build future coaches who will hopefully come back and coach with CMHA.
Any player interested in the program must first complete Respect in Sport which is an online clinic through BCHockey. Once players have completed their RIS please send a copy of their certificate of completion to the Development Coordinator. Participants will also have to take the CATT online course. For players who participated in the program last year they do not need to complete the online courses again. They will have to perform their volunteer hours, each year, before they start getting paid. For the volunteer sessions the mentors will be evaluated by the coaches with the higher ranked mentors getting priority for the paid sessions as well as summer development. Throughout the season there will be a variety of ice times available from U6-U11, U13, U15 for both practices and development sessions. Listed below are the expectations for the mentors.
Expectations of a Mentor
- Offer support with supervision and skill development (demonstrations)
- Assist the team’s coaches with pucks, cones, nets
- Interact with players, coaches in a professional manner
- Assist younger players on and off the ice
- Lead and instruct a station and or drills on the ice
- Ensure the players are safe – gates are closed, objects on the ice
- Initiate professional relationships with coaches and instructors
- Communicate with the coach about what they can improve or work on after every ice time.
- Be a role model & HAVE FUN
- Make sure you have coach and manager info in case you need to miss a session and inform Jordan via email if you will miss a session
Once players have been assigned to their team or service provider, they will be responsible for communicating with them, if they are unable to make an ice time for any reason. Players will also have to keep track of both volunteer ice times and paid ice times on a log sheet which will be submitted to Jordan once completed. All players will have to complete 12 volunteer sessions and then will be paid $25 per session. Players should look professional and wear a track suit or CMHA gear when they are on-ice.
Any players that are interested in participating in the program this year, who are unable to attend the orientation meeting, please use the contact form below. Thank you!