Referee Assignors
To CMHA referees
All the new official spots are taken and a waitlist has been started.
All those wishing to officiate next season should still contact the Ric as those on this year's wait list will automatically be placed on next year's list for new officials for CMHA. If you would like to still officiate and coquitlam, please email Ric@coqmha.org for inquiries
There are no pre clinic tasks for this upcoming season.
Please click on the + icons below to learn more
Officials for U9 through U15 are assigned through your Association Referee-in-Chief (RIC) & in house Ref Assignor.
Officials for U15 A and above are booked through the PCAHA Referee Assigning Centre. The Team Manager or Coach will contact their Managing Director or League Manager to obtain a game number. The Managing Director or League Manager will forward a Game Request Form to the PCAHA Referee Assigning Centre to Book Referees for that game.
All games for U15 C and below will go through the above assignor. Once the schedules for each division are known, they should be submitted to the appropriate assignor. All games for U15 A and above go to the PCAHA Referee Assigning Center
Information for PCAHA Managing Directors can be found on the website under the Executive.